Registration number SENASA: A.16.19.N.0155


SAVIMDROG® is a supplement of essential amino acids, specific vitamins, macro minerals and electrolytes needed in demanding metabolic processes.


SAVIMDROG® is recommended in poultry and pigs to quickly and efficiently correct production problems, protein deficiencies caused by insufficient intake of amino acids in the diet. Abnormalities in the structural conformation of the skeleton, shortening and thickening of legs, wings and joints, perosis, deficient plumage, forced mute, dermatitis on legs and around the eyes, fatty liver syndrome. Anemic states, malabsorption syndrome, anorexia, low growth, reduction of reproductive capacity, gestation and as a coadjutant of infectious and toxic therapies.


10 ml

100 ml

250 ml

500 ml

1 L

5 L

20 L

20 kg



    Keep out of the reach of children and pets. Protect from direct sunlight. Store in a cool, dry place at temperatures between 15 °C and 30 °C.